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This website was created by Agence design plus


Discover our specialty, our renowned massage on which the training of our masseuses is the most advanced and strict: le tantric massage.

Receive sans tabou a moment of pure happiness, where tenderness and warmth would be there to finally release your inner energy...


What could be more delicious than a tender touch on the totality of your body with no obligation to return, nothing to return, nothing to give, just relax and collect.

Ecstatic happiness revealed in all its splendor,  where self-surrender opens the doors of pleasure... 

Pour une séance optimale, le minimum d'échanges verbaux ou tactiles sont recommandés afin que le massé soit concentré sur himself and so that no distraction does not   divert  from the essentials.

La masseuse doit pouvoir se concentrer pour créer son univers d'érotisme et de sensualité_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_and merge with the energy of the body.

Le massage tantrique répand dans tout le corps une  énergie_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_powerful and deep.

Il procure un plaisir extrême et apporte une sensation d'extase, nourrit l'âme et abreuve le corps. .

The terms Lingam (male) and Yoni (female)  define the pelvic regions.




Let yourself be tempted and choose your massage now:

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